
-Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people Mothering Sunday




Remembrance Sunday 2021
In the Porch - Valerie Stringer Wheatsheaf - Min Reynolds In the Porch - Heather Lancaster

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Next to the Altar - Rachel Prime Both sides of screen - Jane Turtle Lectern - Daryl Addiscott
Harvest Flowers - October 2021

Back window ledge - Sue Easton Back Table - Trish Proctor Near the Pulpit - Olga Court

-Octavia Hill window - Annie Blissett Baptismal Font Four window ledges - Judy Newton & Tiffany


Mkwala School, Kongwa - Water Harvesting System
The cistern was broken and the parishioners of Crockham Hill raised funds to rebuild it, and to sink a borehole so that the school and the surrounding inhabitants would have a constant supply of fresh water.

Sue and Richard Diggory's Farewell picnic on 21 August


Mkwala School in Kongwa

Both the students sponsored by us have now left St Philips Theological College
Neema Zakayo is serving as a catechist at Pandambili Deanery and may go forwards for ordinatio.
Jeremia Isaka has been allocated a permit to minister in Kongwa prison.

Sheila Burbidge's funeral on 14th April 2021 Flowers arranged by her friends

Easter flowers at Holy Trinity, Crockham Hill 2021

HRH Prince Philip - Duke of Edinburgh
1921 - 2021
Blessed Jesus,
Lord of Lords and King of Kings,
we give you thanks
for the life of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh .
for the grace and mercy
he received from you,
for his faithful love and support
of Her Majesty, The Queen,
and his service to this nation
at home and abroad.
Enfold him in your everlasting arms
grant him rest
and raise him up at the last
in the company of the saints in light. Amen
We remember, too, the Royal Family in their bereavement.

Sue and Richard Diggory leave the Vicarage for the last time, and are presented with flowers and an album of photographs of their seven years in Crockham Hill.

14 March 2021
Mothering Sunday
Flowers in Church, which is gradually opening up after a year of Lockdown from the Covid-19 pandemic

The Reverend Ali Cooper was licensed by the Bishop of Rochester at a Zoom service on 3rd March 2021

31st January 2021 Candlemass
Sue Diggory's final service
After seven brilliant years in Crockham Hill, Sue retired today, and she and Richard will move to Groombridge on 15th February.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic it was a zoom service, and only Sue, Richard and Lorraine Ashley were in the Church.
Lorraine paid a moving tribute to Sue and showed slides of her time in the Village.
Kev Reynolds wrote in the Newsletter:
Both she and Richard will be sorely missed, for individually and as a team they’ve played a major part in the life of the village and the wider community over the past seven years. Their influence extends beyond the boundaries of Crockham Hill, though, as does the love and respect they have earned here.

Holy Trinity flagpole on Christmas Day 2020
And then 2 days later, after storm Bella
on 27th December

Holy Trinity decorated for Christmas 2020
Sadly with the Covid-19 pandemic only a thinly spaced communion can be held on Christmas morning at 8.45am

Day 7 On Horns Hill

Day 5 At Horns Hill

Advent Day 2 In Hilders Lane

Day 3 In Meadow Lane Day 4

Day 6 all the way from the Markham family in Norway

Day 8 In Spout Lane

Day 9 In Westerham

Day 10 In Oakdale Lane Day 11 In Church Lane Day 12 Pre school

Day 13 A local crib in Crockham Hill Day 14 The Vicarage

Day 15 A crib in Belgium

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18 Crib from Upminster

Day 19 Crib at Hever
Day 20 Crib - 3 days to go

Day 20
Advent in Crockham Hill Advent Day 1 In Froghole Lane
Mary and Joseph are looking
for somewhere to stay each night........
The 2020 Christmas tree in the Village Garden
25th December In Holy Trinity
Mary and Joseph as they journey round Crockham Hill and beyond looking for somewhere to sleep and have their baby - Jesus.

Wildflower seeding in October 2020 in Andrewsfield, just south of the Churchyard, and indigenous hedge planting in November, including filling gaps in the extended churchyard where some had died of drought.
Julie Eyles with Bishop Simon after her confirmation on Sunday 4th October at an evening service at Tonbridge Parish Church

2020 Harvest Festival
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the display of fresh products, the size of the congregation, and the flower arrangers were limited.


Felicity Gladstone wins National competition
Her winning watercolour showed the simple pleasure of sharing a cuppa with a friend in the garden.
The Grow Old Disgracefully Art Prize was launched this summer with the theme of ‘Happy Times’, inviting people over the age of 90 to pick up a paintbrush, pen or charcoal to enjoy creating a picture of what they recognise as happy moments.
The competition received many entries ranging from watercolour and oils to collages using natural foliage, and was judged by the acclaimed artist Adrienne Parker, the editor of The Artist magazine Sally Bulgin, and actress Dame Judi Dench.
Dame Judi said: “Picking a winner was not an easy task, but I loved the humour of Felicity’s painting, the two ladies enjoying a cup of tea in the garden with the mobility scooter parked on the path and the Zimmer frame in the corner while the dog is asleep under the table. A lovely painting capturing the essence of the times we are now living in.”

Graduation at St Philips Theological College, Kongwa
Naeema Zakayo was one of two students sponsored by a member of the congregation and by the PCC of Holy Trinity, Crockham Hill

Virtual Service during the covid-19 pandemic On 7th June 2020 at least 57 attended via Zoom


8 May 2020 VE 75 in Crockham Hill
Celebrating seventy five years since he end of the 2nd World War, and continuing to maintain 2 metre social distancing.

During Coronavirus Lockdown in April 2020 Crockham Hill School may be closed, but Collective Worship is still taking place. Holly and Sophie leading from their home, using lecterns made by dad!

Easter trees in Crockham Hill 2020

Palm Sunday Crosses on doors in Crockham Hill 2019

Mothering Sunday 22 March 2020
With the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the World, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have directed that all churches shall be closed for public worship.
This is Annie Blissett's presentation for all mothers in Crockham Hill
In a wicker teacup - a ‘cuppa for Mum’!
And above are Sue Diggory's photos of
Holy Trinity, taken after she had celebrated a lonely Mother's Day service.

Hot Pot Supper 2020
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th February



Drought in Mpwapwa
In January Bishop Jacob and Mpwapwa Diocese thanked Rochester for the gift to alleviate the impact of the drought. Bishop Jacob is using the funds – just over £5,000 - to give 2 bags of maize (sweetcorn) seed to each of the 150 Pastors and 600 Catechists across the Diocese.
Two bags is sufficient seed to plant an acre of maize. As this year’s harvest was so poor, many have had to eat the maize that should have been set aside to plant for this year’s harvest.

Right of rood screen Candles on window shelf North window Left of of Rood screen

Under the pulpit Lectern position Back pew table Octavia Hill window
Flowers for Christmas 2019

In the Entrance Porch
In the Entrance Porch
Nave from Font flowers

Toy Service on Advent Sunday 1st December 2019 Back at the Vicarage - Oakdale Lane

All the way from Texas At the Maples at Marlpit Hill Back at Oakdale Lane In the Ridgeway
To look after them!

At pre school for the night On Oakdale Lane In Spout Lane Hilders Lane

Sat 7th Sleeping in Spout Lane. Westerham Tunbridge Wells Marlpit Hill New Road

Mary and Joseph travel towards Bethlehem via Crockham Hill; They spend each night during Advent in a different house.
The first stays are at the bottom; the most recent at the top

Night one with Sienna and Rafferty 2 in Acorn Class 3. Sleeping at the Christmas party

Messy Church on 17th November 2019
Lots of sheep fun with the Good Shepherd was attended by 21 children and 17 adults

Sunday 2019


Drought in Mpwapwa in Tanzania
These photos of the pupils of Mkwala School (linked with Crockham Hill School) show the effect of the drought on the harvest.
The shortage of seed, and its high cost disaffecting their ability to plant next season's seed.
Donations are urgently needed.


Messy Church on 13th October 2019
After days of rain in Crockham Hill, it was time to find out how Noah coped!

Harvest Festival 8th October 2019

Deanery Orchard Village Tea party Sunday 14th July

Crockham Hill Community Interest Company purchased a redundant area of land, and have made a wild flower orchard with apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees for the benefit of the Crockham Hill community.

Stephen Barbor preached on 14th July 2019
on the Good Samaritan, and described with photos what we are doing to support our link parish in Kongwa - both church, school and community projects.

Messy BBQ
The last Messy Church of the season held on 30th June 2019 outside the School Hall


Trip to Kongwa May 2019 Stephen and Silvie Barbor met the ladies in Kongwa, say their chicken project, met Jeremiak and Neena the students studying at St Philip’s Theological College who are sponsored by Crockham Hill Parish and a congregation member.

Mkwala School May 2019 Showing the some of the desks donated The Copier donated by Crockham Hill School
by Crockham Hill School. They still need more as some
of the children have to write sitting on the floor.
Simon Burton-Jones Bishop of Tonbridge
preaches on Trinity Sunday on 16 June 2019
He presented a certificate signed by Bishop Jacob and Bishop James celebrating the union
between the dioceses of Mpwapwa and Rochester, and the link between St Michael's at Kongwa and Holy Trinity at Crockham Hill.

The annual Rogation Ramble
19th May 2019


The annual Rogation Ramble might have been a bit short in numbers this year, but everyone enjoyed the walk which linked Obriss Farm, Toys Hill and Chartwell, arriving back in the churchyard for endless cups of tea and cake. Many thanks to Min for leading the walk, and to those who provided the refreshments.
Easter Sunday 21 April 2019




Anthony Shipwright licensed by the Bishop of Tonbridge on 11th March 2019 as a youth worker throughout Rochester

Ash Wednesday 6th March 2019
Rev. Sue Diggory, Fr. Ben,
and Fr Stephen
are at Edenbridge station putting ash crosses on commuters' foreheads to celebrate the start of Lent.
A cold and windy morning!
and new banners in Holy Trinity for the Ash Wednesday School service


A packed annual Hot Pot supper on Shove Tuesday in the Village Hall - 5/3/2019


Superb Ball on 2nd March 2019 in Village Hall
in aid of CH School and Mkwala School in Kongwa



Messy Church
celebrates Candlemas
on 27th January 2019

School collective Worship on 9th January 2019
Crockham Hill School Banners - Archdeacon Julie blessed the new banners that reflect the school values of Respect, Aspiration, Resilience and Empathy. Money given to the School from last years fete help to make this possible.

Service of nine lessons and Carols
On 23- 12-18 a packed church heard superb music by candle light.
Probably the best carol service and homily (See sermons)
A time of peace
19th December 2018
Light in the darkness - a little Advent quiet in the church

Todler Time in Church for the first time on 11th December 2018

19 in Sienna’s homemade shelter 20 At the Goodman's

16 At the Browns 17 In Froghole Lane 18 At School

13 In a Dolls House 14 - Sleeping at School 15 -Friday with the Banks Family

10 - Sunday night in Marl Pit Hill 11 -Overnight in Deanery Road 12 - Sleeping with the ducks

7 - Mary & Joseph find some new friends 8 - Sunday in Dairy Lane 9 -Overnight in Evie's Dolls House
Mary and Joseph rest each night during Advent 2018, as they travel through Crockham Hill towards their stable in Bethlehem

4 - Ready for the night at the Martin’s 5 - At Greentrees 6 -Teddies keeping them company in Deanery Rd


Day 1 in Spout Lane 2 - Spending the night with Aneira, Ethni and friends 3 - at Woodmote

Christening on 18th November
of Milly Rose Damodaran
Holy Trinity was packed with godparents, friends and relatives for a loving and enthusiastic service, followed by a delicious lunch in the Village Hall.


11th November 2018
Crockham Hill commemorates 100 years since the end of World War One
There was a packed service in Holy Trinity at 11.00am, when the names of the fallen of both World Wars were read, as well as the biographies of those who fell between 1914 and 1918.
At 7.00pm after prayers, the Crockham Hill beacon was lit , accompanying beacons all over the United Kingdom

Crockham Hill School commemorates 100 years since the end of World War One
On Friday 9th November 2018 the School children attended a moving service to remember those in Crockham Hill, and the rest of the country, who gave their lives

Commemorating 100 years
since the end of the 1914-18 war - 11 November 2018

Four of those, who lived in Crockham Hill, and gave their lives for their Country.

Rhys Evans George Tillyard David Boyle Evan Evans

Confirmation on 4th November 2018

Sarah Gibson,
Leah Loughlin,
Mollie Banks,
Max Aylward,
and Ruby Aylward
were all confirmed
by the Bishop of Tonbridge
at Hildenborough
Autumn 2018 at Holy Trinity

Fr. Owen retires from All Saints, New Cross
On 28th October 2018 Fr. Owen Beament retired after an amazing 44 years as priest of All Saints.
About 25 parishioners from Edenbridge and Crockham Hill attended a completely packed church for his last service celebrating their patronal festival. The Band of the Princess of Wales Regiment entertained us during and after the service.
Fr Owen has been a wonderful and inspiring friend not only to his parishioners, but to all in Edenbridge and Crockham Hill.
He will remain Vicar of Millwall Football Club!

Photographed 21st October by Richard Diggory

-Lorries repaired!
A happy Bishop Jacob!
We were sent photos of the three repaired vehicles after funds were raised in the Crockham Hill Village Hall last May.

The Chicken Project
The chicken project is run from Hope’s yard. It started with 14 women contributing 14 chickens and 20 chickens given by Crockham Hill. Sadly some died due to disease, but they still have 25 chickens, kept to provide eggs. 30 eggs sell for Tsh 15,000 (around £3). Hope also has 3 adult pigs. Piglets sell for Tsh 60,000 (approx. £20) and an adult sells for Tsh 500,000.

Stephen and Silvie Barbor passed over £135 gift from the women of Crockham Hill for the women’s group which they rounded up to Tsh 400,000, for which the ladies and Rev Canon Luzineth were very grateful

Rebuilding St Michael's Church, Kongwa

The church leaders and congregation have achieved this through fundraising projects and the work of their hands!
The next stage is to put in wrought-iron windows and also plant a hedge to stop cattle getting too close to the church! Each window will cost Tsh 400,000 and there are 20!

Jeremiah Isaka and Neema Zakayo whose training as priests at St Philip's Theological College, near Kongwa is sponsored by the parish of Crockham Hill

Stephen and Silvie Barbor returned from Kongwa in Tanzania on 4th October. They stayed at St Philips Theological College, and
we took the opportunity to see the students sponsored through the Diocesan partnership. They wrote"We met Jeremiah. He has a wife, Lozina, and three children, Uster 13, George 10 and Sipha 4. They will be joining him next year, but for this first year he is living in the men’s dormitory. He is so grateful for the opportunity that Crockham Hill is giving him.
"We had the pleasure of meeting Neema whilst at St Philip’s. She was close to tears and jumped up and down with excitement when she heard that we were from Rochester Diocese and brought greetings from her sponsor. She is a very enthusiastic and able student who is doing really well in her course. She told us her heart is to share the Word of God with others. The unmarried men live in dormitories, but the single ladies live in these small round homes, with a living area including a desk and chair and a bedroom curtained off.
Neema comes from Kibaigwa in Mpwapwa Diocese, where she has a mother and father (Olivia and Stephen) and has 4 sisters and 1 brother"

Harvest Thanksgiving 7th October 2018
We were joined by our friends from All Saint's New Cross
led by Fr. Owen, and Silvie and Stephen Barbor, who described what life was like in Tanzania, after their recent trip to our links in Kongwa - St Michael's Church, Mkwala School, and the women's chicken project


Messy Harvest
23rd September

The kids
all loved it
and the parents
the savoury food!.

Some pictures from the Companion Dioceses celebration on 16th September: a great evening with an impromptu Swahili ‘choir’!


15th July 2018 - Daisy Elizabeth Kinley Golaszewski was christened A happy christening


Crockham Hill Village Fete Brilliantly organised by Cat Markham and her team Saturday 7th July 2018

A sunny, but hot afternoon.
Silent Art auction, ECT stand , and The Bottle Tombolla.
Below - One of many winners

Tea tent, BBQ,

MC - Doug Daniel
Crockham Hill's Victorious River Band
Accessory Stall

Bric a brac and Book stalls 27 litres! - one of the classic cars
Bouncy Castle Coconut Shy Waterslide Face Painting
Dancing by Evolution Dance Academy Tea Tent Spectators Bale Tossing Hoopla & World Cup - the alternative attraction!


Messy Church BBQ 1 July 2018

With the theme of God’s Wonderful World – 30 adults and 24 children attended on a glorious hot Sunday afternoon


Rogation Sunday
6th May 2018
Kev and Min Reynolds led about 16 parishioners on their 30th Rogation ramble through the woods and fields around Crockham Hill, finishing with tea in Alan and Chitra's lovely garden.


Holy Trinity's latest recruit
Milly Damodaran, seen here with Mum and Dad and Sue Diggory, attended family eucharist for the first time on 3rd of June 2018

Trucks for Tanzania lunch
On 20 May 2018 about 70 had lunch in the Crockham Hill Village Hall to raise funds to help repair three of the Mpwapwa Diocese
vehicles, which had been broken by the bad roads. There is only one tarmac road in Mpwapwa, which is the size of Wales.


Messy Baptism on 13th May
18 adults and 19 children enjoyed an hour and a half of decorating shells, Dove biscuits, and cross key rings, making a collage, listening to stories and enjoying tea together.


Easter Sunday 1st April 2018

The choir rehearsing before morning service.
More than ten flower arrangers decorated the church and Easter Garden


Baptism of Isabelle Damodaran on 6 May 2018
Colourful saris predominated on a lovely May day, when Maria read the gospel, Patrick (aged 5) read a prayer, and the Brownies paraded and led the intercessions.

Good Friday 30 March 2018

Images from two services


Kongwa in the wet March 2018
Agripa sent these photos - showing how almost continuous rain after drought causes severe erosion. Bridges, houses and roads have been washed away, The students of St. Philips help

Messy Almost Easter - 18 March 2018
Despite the snow almost 40 attended a happy afternoon making fruit palm trees, with songs, prayers and food


Bridges - Christmas 2017
Every Christmas one of the churches in the Edenbridge area provides a free lunch at BRIDGES for anyone who’d otherwise be on their own, or would simply appreciate some company. This year it was the turn of Holy Trinity to play host.


Mkwala School in Kongwa-Dec 2017
The children and parents of Crockham Hill School provided funds to purchase the desks & benches


St Michael's Church, Kongwa.

December 2017 The Construction of the St Michael's Church continues. They are now plastering, after completing floor tile fixing.

The choir for Nine Lessons and Carols on 17th December.
Christmas 2017

Messy Christmas 10th December 2017
We had a great afternoon - 20 adults and 25 children, with Christmas crafts, Christmas story, Christmas songs,Christmas prayer, and Christmas tea,

Day 12

Day 13 at Squerryes End

Day 10 with Holly

Day 11 near Staffhurst Woods

Day 14 at Dairy Lane

Day 7 - with Sienna and Rafferty after Messy Church

Day 8 at Oakfield Road, Marlpit Hill
Day 5 In Four Elms Road

Day 9 In the School )ffice
And day 6 in Highfields Road, in Marlpit Hill

Mary and Joseph, on their way to Bethlehem, stay in houses in Crockham Hill
Day 1 with Holly, Sophie & Lillie Gibson in Spout Lane

Day 2 with Richard and Brigitte Hunter in Spout Lane

Day 3 At the Vicarage
Oakdale Lane
Day 4 - At Felicity's in Oakdale Lane


An African Evening in Crockham hill Village Hall
On 25th November 2017
80 dressed up for Tanzania, and danced to the 5 piece band of Mvula Mandondo in the Village Hall.
We were raising money to send a trainee priest to St Philip's Ecclesiastic College near Kongwa.
With African food and music, South African wine, a presentation by Sue Diggory of our growing links with St Michael's and the town of Kongwa, it was a rip roaring evening of fun.
We raised £1,443 in additional to a most generous donation, which pays for the training for three years of another priest.

A suitcase of Clothes for Mkwala School
Canon Agripa delivers a suitcase of clothes and uniform, and a gift of money, which had been given by the parents and children of Crockham Hill Primary School


Harvest Festival
On 1st October 2017 Canon Agripa Ndatala from St Philips Ecclesiastical College, Kongwa in Tanzania, preached to a crowded congregation, including our friends from All Saints, New Cross. He gave a blessing in swahili and joined us for harvest lunch in The Village Hall.
Harvest produce was distributed to the food banks in Edenbridge and to All Saints, New Cross.

The school gave Canon Agripa a suitcase of clothes for the children of Mkwala School in Kongwa
, After the Harvest service on 30th September, Canon Agripa toured the School.

ECT 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
On Saturday 7th October members of all Edenbridge Churches in Covenant joined a celebration of 20 years of the ECT.
The ECT reaches out to 11 - 18 year olds from its base at the Riverside Centre by the Edenbridge Stone Bridge with varied weekly programmes. The Friday night youth club call themselves ECTreme Youth Club, and numbers have peaked at over 50.

4 photos of Messy Harvest held in the School Hall at 4.00pm on 17th September. We looked at Harvest and the Parable of the Sower
Rod and Ali Cooper renew their vows on 16th September - 40 years after they were married on 8th September 1977.

Two new benches were donated by the village to commemorate the 175th anniversary of Holy Trinity.
They were blessed on 24th September by Sue Diggory.
On 23rd September Kev and Min Reynolds celebrated 50 years of marriage.
David Stafford (church warden), The Rev. Ali Cooper [who gave the sermon}, and Tony Rogers (Treasurer) try out a bench.
Joy Gospel Singers
Graham Dinnage with three of the large choir from Malta, who sang for us at Morning Eucharist on Sunday 16th July.

Froghole Farm party
Joy gospel Singers from Malta join The Chart Singers at a summer concert/party on 16th July after tea at Springstede

Saturday 9th September 2017
Haddy Cosh and Josh Walker were married at Holy Trinity with a splendid reception at Hever

Landscape changes
The Irish yews leading to the Church had become overgrown and the entrance was dark and gloomy. They were reduced to about 1m in August 2017, and now more of the church can be seen, and the whole approach is lighter. See what the old yews looked like in Consecration of the Churchyard (below 6th July 2017)

Fete 8th July 2017


Consecration of Extended Churchyard
On 6th July 2017 The Bishop of Rochester held a Service of Consecration for the new extended churchyard, planting a cross at each of its corners. This was the culmination of many improvements - New gates, ramp access, and stonework; new paving; pruning of the Irish yews; replacement of missing hedge yew bushes, and repair of broken crosses.

175th Anniversary Service

175th Anniversary Service of the foundation of Holy Trinity held on 2nd July 2017, with Bishop James presiding and preaching. Here he is with John Warde, great, great grand nephew of Charles Warde - the founder; with Rev. Sue Diggory and indomitable previous resident - Rosemary Pellereau, and her family; and cutting the cake with oldest resident Freda McBride at lunch in the Village Hall.

14 May 2017 – Messy Breakfast on the beach. We had 16 children and 18 adults, doing crafts, listening to a story, and a prayer, and all eating TEA!


Musica Sacra Ensemble played music for soprano, trumpet and organ at Holy Trinity Church on 20th April 2017
Miriam Kords,


The Main activity for the Eden Christian Trust in 2017 is Rebuild Mexico. Four adults from Edenbridge Parish are going with Anthony Shipwright, plus 6 young people. The Mexico team setting off from the Leisure Centre on 5th April


Held in the School Hall on Sunday 2nd April


Dig Deep for Diggors - A packed Village Hall supported the Diggory Family raise funds to conquer breast cancer - 11 March 2017
Left - the winning team. Top MC - Jim Diggory


Large working party cleaning up and polishing on 25th February, after the Church redecoration. It looked sparkling!




In the early hours of Friday June 30 1944 a V1 Doodlebug fell on Weald House, one of Crockham Hill’s highest buildings, which was just west of Froghole Corner. It was destroyed in an instant.and eight adults and 22 children lost their lives. It was Kent’s worst incident of civilian loss of life in the six years of war.

The School's Harvest service was on 30th September. Our friends at New Cross joined us for our parish Harvest Festival on 2nd October, and later for Harvest lunch in the Village Hall.
These photos show the flower and harvest gift decorations.

We were looking at trusting in God through the 23rd Psalm

Our link parish - St Michael's Kongwa - photographed on 21st August 2016 by Bishop James,
during his month tour of Mpwapwa Diocese, Tanzania.

The current church on is above, the new one on right.
People outside St. Michael's after
the Confirmation Service on 21st August 2016

Stephen Barbor (Chairman of the Mpwapwa Partnership Group) visited St Michael's, Kongwa on 22nd September 2016, on behalf of Holy Trinity, Crockham Hill. This photo was taken just outside the new church building by Silvie Barbor.
Silvie emailed -"They are so delighted to be partnered with you and send their thanks and appreciation for the watercolour, photos and financial gift which we gave to them in Tanzanian shillings."


Paul Hyland and Katie Smith were married on Sunday 7th August 2016, and their reception was held in the Village Hall, which was brilliantly transformed by theatrical designer friends.


24th July 2016
David Flagg returns to preside for Helena Goodman's baptism, while Sue and Richard are on holiday.


Laughter and fun at the Village Fete, held on the playing fields.

Tom Dargie and Sophie Banks were confirmed at Chevening by The Bishop of Rochester.

Here they are with Bishop James and Sue Diggory; and below the whole group who were confirmed, or who entered the Church of England

Small Heading

A service of rich music, celebration and thanksgiving in Holy Trinity was followed by picnics in gazebos outside the Village Hall. Rain never spoils a good British party!

The Don Steele Jazz Band played all day.
There was a hog roast.

The Apollo Youth Choir sang in the Village Hall.
A splendid DVD was shown on A Trip down Memory Lane with Freda, Felicity and Helen giving classic perfomances.
A superb cake by the WI was decorated by Sally Boulton. The Loyal Toast was drunk.
There was a procession of crowns worn by about 20 children.
This was one of the winners worn by a proud granny!

Another successful Messy Church taking place
in the School Hall

In 1986 that Hugh Broadbent, in his final year as Associate Vicar of Crockham Hill, decided it was time we ‘beat the bounds’ of the Parish. ‘ On Rogation Sunday that year, Hugh and Kev Reynolds, and about thirty parishioners set out after the morning service to wander the local fields, meadows and woodlands, picnicked together on a hill with a view, and returned to the village later that afternoon to collapse in Chitra and Alan Carver’s garden for cups of tea and generous slices of home-made cake.
We"ve been doing the same in wind rain, every Rogation Sunday since.
We try to vary the route each year by using different footpaths, for each one rewards with a bounty of views, wild flowers, birdsong – and the busy chatter of friends enjoying themselves.
Kev leading the Ramble on Sunday 1st May 2016


Messy Easter was held at the School Hall on 20th March with Craft time, Story time, Prayer time, and Food time.

Easter 2016 - Superb flower arrangers; wonderful music and singing under Graham Dinnage; Great sermons; a full church.

"Mother" to so many in Crock-ham Hill, Felicity celebrated her 90th birthday with a lunch for 140 in the Village Hall, and tea for even more.

10 years ago a partnership began between the Dioceses of Rochester and of Mpwapwa in Tanzania. Following last year’s Lent discussions on poverty, Crockham Hill Church decided in February 2016 to support St Michael’s Church in Kongwa, Tanzania.

Above - Stephen Barbor (chair of Mpwapwa Partnershi Group) dropping off plugs and extension leads at St Michaels in Oct 2015 - drought, no grass
Chair of St Michael PCC (Amon Lenboa) speaks excellent English (left), the Vicar (next in doesn’t).
Below - Some of St Michael's congregation outside the new church

Above- Choir inside the old church - with its termite eaten rafters.
Below - Boabab tree just outside St Michael's Church doors

on Sunday 31st January 2016

MESSY CHURCH starts again and had an enthusiastic attendance.